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Digiskillzz offers a 4-6 months iOS development training program, which involves the active participation of our students in live projects under the supervision of our outstanding faculty. For any student who gives priority to the functionality of the skill sets to be used in the industry after the course completion, we will continue to be their first option.
In the current scenario, iOS and Android are no longer considered to be high-end choices. But people perceive them as rather a more practical one-time investment they want to keep for long. Even if the popularity of these operating systems has grown immensely, a more exciting matter is that the number of developers and programmers, especially in iOS, is declining.
ios Training Institute in Kochi, Kerala
Our system works in a way, which inspires the students to be a part of the team in order to aid them put what they have learned into practice, on a regular basis. This helps to boost their confidence and make them familiar with the ever-changing trends in the field. Simply put, our live projects serve the purpose of training grounds for them, under the supervision of our established developers.
This method of training where theory and practice work hand in hand results in the best outcome. Our instructors always go for a friendly and patient approach, often inspiring the students to try something innovative in the field.

ios training institute in Kerala
Being known as the premium programmer, a developer with Apple skillsets can demand the highest package regardless of the organization they choose. Apple developers are more likely to have 65% higher pay packages than the rest, according to Indeed figures.
Anyone with a technical degree from any recognized university is qualified to pursue his or her career as an Apple Developer. The bachelor’s degree is meant to set a foundation to the course and to act as a lubricant throughout their career.
According to our observation over the years, we’ve found that nearly 95% of students who pursued a career in iOS Application Development and programming were placed in prestigious organizations with significantly higher salary packages.
iOS Application Development Course in Kochi, Kerala
The most pressing issue that requires urgent attention in order to improve the welfare of our society, as well as our living conditions, is the low employability of the students who earned a technical degree from regional universities. We have designed our syllabus keeping in mind, to integrate all the significant tools, components, and utilities to help our students stand out from the rest.
Digiskillzz offers the most realistic solution to this problem, transforming unskilled job seekers into skilled professionals, through a variety of courses starting from iOS training and Android Development, all of which are designed and organized in a systematic manner, thereby making a significant contribution to the nation’s fiscal, manufacturing, and technical domains.

Important Notice
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we are not currently offering any new offline batches. However, we have the following two – safe & online – options for eager students such as you:
Android Training
- 35 + Hours of Live Classes
- 30 + Hours of Video Courses
- resume & Interviw Training
- Application Deadline: 8th Sept,21
Python Training
- 35 + Hours of Live Classes
- 30 + Hours of Video Courses
- resume & Interviw Training
- Application Deadline: 9th Sept,21
PHP Training
- 35 + Hours of Live Classes
- 30 + Hours of Video Courses
- resume & Interviw Training
- Application Deadline: 10th Sept,21
iOS Training Curriculum
We offer the maximum exposure to the industry and make our students the best fit for organizations of any kind. Thus we have been able to create talented and skilled professionals, who remain extremely passionate about the job even in the most challenging circumstances. Altogether, Digiskillz becomes the top-notch choice in iOS Development and Programming Course/Internship in Kochi, Kerala.
- Classes and Objects
- Class Interface and Implementation
- What is Properties
- Method Declaration and Definition
- Public, Private, and Protected Instance
- Variables Understanding Simple
- Messaging Using self in a Message
- Class and Instance Methods
- Managing Memory
- Understanding Inheritance – Methods overriding Using Protocols
- UIApplication and UIApplication Delegates
- UIWindow
- UIApplication
- UIApplicationDelegates
- main.m file
- Application Life Cycle
- User Defined Delegates
- UIView and UIViewControllers
- UIView Class
- UIViewController Class
- IBOutlet and IBAction
- Parent and Child View Controllers
- Modal View Controllers
- Navigation Controllers
- Tab Bar Controllers
- Page View Controllers
- Passing Data Between View Controllers
- Controller
- Passing Data to and from a Modal View
- Controller Passing Data Between View
- Controllers with a Delegate–Protocol
- UIView Class
- UIViewController Class
- IBOutlet and IBAction
- Parent and Child View Controllers
- Modal View Controllers
- Navigation Controllers
- Tab Bar Controllers
- Page View Controllers
- Passing Data Between View Controllers
- Controller
- Passing Data to and from a Modal View
- Controller Passing Data Between View
- Controllers with a Delegate–Protocol
- Common Controls
- UISwitch
- UISlider
- UIActivity Indicator
- UIProgressBar
- UIPageController
- UITextfield
- UITextview
- UILabel
- UIButton
- UIImageView
- UIToolBar
- UISegmentController
- UISearchBar
- UIPageViewController
- UITransitionView
- Activity Progress and Alerting Users
- UINavigationBar and UINavigationController
- UINavigationBar,UINavigationController,and UINavigationItem
- Common Controls
- UITableView
- UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource
- UITableViewDelegate
- UITableViewDataSource
- Providing Data to Your Table View
- Providing Custom Table View Cells
- Activity Progress and Alerting Users
- UINavigationBar and UINavigationController
- UINavigationBar,UINavigationController,and UINavigationItem
- Activity Progress and Alerting Users
- MapKit framework
- Map Coordinates
- MKCoordinateRegion
- MKCoordinateSpan
- Annotations
- Gesture Recognizer Life Cycle
- Built-in Gesture Recognizers
- Custom UIGestureRecognizers
- UITabBar, UITabBarController, UITabBarItem,and UITabBarControllerDelegate
- Core Data in Brief
- Creating a Model
- Entities
- Attributes
- NSManagedObjectModel
- NSManagedObjectContext
- NSManagedObject
- NSFetchRequest
- NSPredicate
- Operations
- Adding Objects
- Saving Changes
- Deleting Entities
- Updating Entities
- Creation a URL Request
- Creating a URL Connection
- Interpreting the Response
- Using Received Data
- Parsing JSON
- Sending Data Across the Network
- Membership Certificates, Devices, Application IDs, Bundle ID and Provisioning
- Distributing Your Application
- Ad Hoc Deployment and Testing
- Your App via the App Store
- N/A
- Implementation of iOS Live Projects
- Our iOS training in Kochi includes a session of the mock interview, which is helpful for the students to face real-time interviews in the future.
- The theory classes we provide covers the iOS development course to every extent making our candidate well trained.

Enquire Now
iOS Training in Kochi
A developer with the Apple skillsets is regarded as a premium programmer hence there is always a chance for demanding the highest package irrespective of the organization. As per the statistics from Indeed, Apple developers are more probable to have 65% higher salary packages when compared with the rest of the developers. Anyone who possesses a bachelor’s degree in any technical domain from a recognized university is considered eligible to pursue the Apple development course as their career. The foundation from the bachelor’s course is expected to serve as a lubricant in the course and career throughout.
Digiskillz provides a 4-6 months course in iOS development engaging our students actively in our live projects under the guidance of our exceptional faculty. We remain the first choice in iOS development course for every student who gives prior importance to the functionality of the skill sets to be performed in the industry, once you complete the course duration.

The poor employability that our students face who have completed their technical degree from the regional universities becomes the worst part that needs an immediate transformation to improve our social welfare and living conditions of the times. Digiskillz provides the most convenient alternative in this regard by transforming unskilled graduates into skilful professionals by offering various courses like iOS training, Android Development and many more, designed and structured systematically, thus contributing significantly to the economic, industrial and technical domains of the nation. The team of expert faculties and industrial experts is proven to mould out professionals with the desired skills and productivity.

iOS and Android are no more high-end options but rather a more convenient one-time investment that people prefer to carry with them for a long time. But what excites me most is, Despite the rising demand and acceptability of Android and iOS Application Development across the globe, the quantity of the developers and programmers, especially when it comes to iOS, is witnessing a downfall.
Digiskillz observed that approximately 95% of the students who ventured into iOS Application Development and Programming have been positioned in reputed institutions with exceedingly higher packages. Digiskillz has incorporated all the trending and significant tools, utilities, components, and classes of the times to make our students stand out from the section of the ordinary.

What We Offer
We encourage our students to be part of our team to persistently practice what they have learnt to boost their confidence as well as to make them familiar with the trends and fluctuations happening in the industry. Our live projects thus become our students practising grounds under the guidance of the established developers of Digiskillz. Thus theory and practical knowledge work together hand in hand to bring out the best-qualified developers from Digiskillz. Our trainers keep a patient and cordial approach to the students, always encouraging their innovations and experimentations in the work field.